Thirty-One Gifts

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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Hot Flashes and Fruit

Cold frozen fruit.  In my first summer of Peri-menopause, I can relate that it sucks.  Big time.  I have found a fantastic way to keep cool during hot flashes or just heat in general:  frozen fruit.  I eat them plain to get maximum freeze, but I have put it with yogurt or cool whip as well.

What am I talking about?  When you get your blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries from your local market, freeze them in bags.  I put my blackberries and blueberries together.  You can also use mango, pineapple, and more, but the berries hold up so well, and you can make a better smoothie with frozen fruit, too.  When you start having a flash or you are overheated, start chomping on that fruit, and in no time, you'll be putting on your 3/4 inch sleeve cardigan, like me!

Sitting in front of a fan helps, too.

1 comment:

  1. I bet they would be amazing with iced herbal or green tea too! They could double as flavorful icee!!
